1979 AMC Spirit AMX

July 6, 2023

The Story

This is my 1979 AMC Spirit AMX that's currently undergoing a "Spiritual Revival." This car is not only my first ever project car but also my first ever car in general. I've always had a love for the oddballs of the automotive world so, when the opportunity presented itself, I didn't think twice about buying this car. Only 750 304ci V8 AMXs were ever made and even fewer of those were painted in the rare Wedgewood Blue. Unfortunately, it hasn't had an easy life. The car seems to have been thrashed pretty hard by a previous owner and even put in a ditch before being left abandoned in a field. As far as I can tell it hasn't seen the road since 1999. The game plan for the Spirit is this; Step 1: Fix it up and make it a nice reliable daily. Step 2: Upgrade the performance and handling and turn the car into a nice weekend warrior that I can Track/Autocross occasionally. I'm not rich and I'm definitely not a mechanic so don't expect a quick turnaround. I'm here to enjoy my hobby and teach myself mechanics along the way. It'll certainly be an adventure.

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Carter Edwards

Just your local AMC shill

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