1999 Lexus GS300

May 10, 2023

The Story

I’ve been looking for a project car for the last 5 years and could never settle on anything. Until I watched the video Alex made about the GS300 on YouTube and it peaked my interest. I did my research and at that moment I realized I found my first project car! I searched everywhere trying to find one at a reasonable price but I wanna say that Alex’s video definitely contributed to the bro tax on them! I couldn’t find any for the life of me until I came across one not too far from me in a few towns over and didn’t want that opportunity to slide. They bro taxed the crap out of me and I ended up buying it for about $3500. After driving it back home I came to realize that the entire engine needed to be redone as in seals, gaskets and all. Oil was leaking from every possible place. Talk about a great deal! (NOT) so at that moment I had two options. 1) replace all the seals and gaskets, and leave it as it was (stock) 2) take the entire car apart and make a big mess of it and redo every possible thing I could to it. Including an engine rebuild, transmission rebuild, new suspension, wheels fuel delivery system etc. Well of course the answer was obvious and I went with option 2, DUH! Now here I am months Dow the road and I just finished repainting the engine bay. The engine has been removed for a while now and I have an appointment for it to be machined in July. I have bought all new positions, rods, bearings, etc for the engine, aftermarket intake and throttle body, fluid damper harmonic balancer, new water pump, PS pump, and much more that can be listed in the parts section. I’m a long way from done and if I had the money I’d be doing it all in a heartbeat. But slow and steady is okay with me too. I’m learning along the way and I’m loving it!

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Tyler Chevez Dion

My name is Tyler I’m from NH USA currently rebuilding my 1999 Lexus GS300 from the ground up

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