Bought this car back in 2022 looking for a nice daily. That changed very fast as I started to go to the racetrack with it and I have enjoyed every track day I have been with it. I do also drive the car everyday as my regular daily I’ve done mostly suspension and mods that change the feel of the car so like shifter tires wheels follow my instagram @friskodc2 to see what’s new with the DC5
Current Setup
Wheels: Sprint hart hype R tuners 17x8+35
Exterior: ITR style headlights with projectors
Suspension: GodSpeed Mono SS coilovers
Performance: Ktuned turn down muffler
Interior: Acuity Shifter 2 Way
Interior: Momo Monte Carlo 350mm
Exterior: Bayson R ITR Style front lip
Performance: Acuity Hall Effect TPS Sensor
Performance: DC Sports air intake
Exterior: Type R wing
Planned Upgrades
Nothing planned
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Francisco Andas
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